Getting ready to go to the hospital for follow up..
Found interesting site today. Blogger Tips and Tricks so still trying to digest it. Ha hahahha
The keyboard is mightier than the sword.....
Rocky's Bru - Ahirudin Attan
3540 Jalan Sudin - Nuraina A. Samad
RantingsbyMM - Marina Mahathir
Write Away - elviza
OBE - shar101
encircle by SIX - Mulah
may the truth save us all - Susan Loone
The “thirteen million plus Ringgit” guy rambles…. BigDog
As Zewt As It Gets - Zewt
Zorro - Bernard Khoo
Politikus - Soon Li Tsin
SOPO Sentral of Malaysia
Peter - Blogger tricks
Editted by Blogcrowds